donderdag 20 juni 2024

Mildreda live in Nice

Happy to announce Mildreda will play in Nice on Saturday November 23rd.

This will be our first ever performance in France!

We hope to confirm a new date in October soon, which will be 'another first' for Mildreda.

(More info about both soon.)

maandag 20 mei 2024

maandag 29 april 2024

Coming up next: Mildreda live in Stuttgart

On May the 4th, we celebrate Star Wars Day, which originated from the pun "May the Fourth be with you," a playful twist on the iconic phrase "May the Force be with you." While the holiday wasn't officially declared by the creators of Star Wars, it has been adopted by fans worldwide for annual celebration.

Coincidentally, we'll be playing in Stuttgart on that day, alongside the old school dark electro heroes Sleepwalk.

Of course Mildreda will be embracing the dark force on stage.

(Anyone dressed as Chewbacca will receive a free beer.)

dinsdag 19 maart 2024

donderdag 29 februari 2024

Thank you Sint-Niklaas!

 EBM Day 2024 was fun! We felt loved! Thank you!

Pictures by Creeping Mac Kroki.

zaterdag 27 januari 2024


Coming up next: International EBM Day 2024 at De Casino in St-Niklaas (B).

With Cat Rapes Dog, who violently kicked our asses when we were teenagers!

We'll be wearing moosehair underwear for the occasion.

Picture by Petr Voneš.